
About Store Brands

Store Brands May/June 2022

Our Mission

Store Brands is on the pulse of private label delivering news, features, profiles and reports for private brand manufacturers and retailers, as they work to develop innovative private brand programs, Store Brands provides actionable ideas for maximizing quality and profitability in store brand programs. 


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Frequency: 8 times per year / Circulation 17,000

Store brands represent an important target market for many suppliers of food and nonfoods products, with 78.6% of executives aiming to increase store brand penetration during the next two years. Covering 86% of the market, Store Brands captures the excitement of an industry in transition. 

Source: Publisher's Own Data​

Total Page Views: 75,000/Month, with daily updates and web-exclusive content, brings insight and analysis of all aspects of the store brand industry. The mobile-optimized version of the site allows for on-the-go access to the latest content.

Source: December 2013 BPA Statement. 

Store Brands' E-newsletter

Industry Intel newsletter circulation: 25,000/month

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The Industry Intel eNewsletter reaches the largest audience in the industry. It gives you the power and impact of weekly distribution of original content. 

May Special International Edition for PLMA Amsterdam

Frequency: Once per year

Store Brands Buyers' Guide 

This directory provides a robust product and service database for grocery, drugstore and mass merchandise retailers, as well as noteworthy products, services and promotions. It is easy searchable by company name and product category.

Contract Manufacturing Directory 

This database of nearly 600 companies offers a simplified way to search for local suppliers and related info - addresses, phone numbers and contact person(s).